Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New year

A resolution of sorts-write something everyday. I have only tried this a palmfull of times as an adult. I usually get this far-the dramatic announcement, the sincere look on my face-I'll never do it again, honest. I read something intersting actually about looking at Resolutions from a different perspective-http://www.huffingtonpost.com/russell-bishop/new-years-resolutions_b_1178610.html. Look not at the resolution but why that resolution is being made-the need behind the resoltion has to be examined  (honestly) for any hope of the resolution to be successful. So we get to play with words here-resolve and resolve.  Resolving to do or not do something provides one the opportunity through reflection to resolve something. I'll let you know how that works out. I'm alreay losing my resolve-I was hoping to use this as a journal but I will have to change my settings for that-not that anyone from work will ever read this but it only takes one set of eyes to discover that I will probably and occasionally do this at and will probably and occasionally talk about work which if you are a government employee these days can create problems, And I thought being a civil-servant was a good thing-sounds good...civil...servant, right? Polite...helpful, positive all the way around.